Research and daydreaming:)

I find myself sitting here daydreaming of tiny living. Different styles of tiny houses combined with our own unique designs, swirling through my brain. I imagine waking up to see the sunrise over the mountains in Colorado, or maybe in the middle of one of our great national parks. Spending our days working on the things we love with each other, creating new memories everyday. I also look forward to the struggles because it’s not all rainbows and butterflies. But we will grow from each struggle we face. If only we could fast forward to that point in time, there is a lot of hard, yet rewarding work in front of us to make our dreams a reality.

We have spent the last two months doing tiny house research. We have looked over countless floor plans as well as finalized projects, and even found out the recommended appliances, solar systems and water sources plus so much more. Not only have we done tiny house research, but we have also looked at all the places we want to visit and who we can see along the way. We have read countless articles and books, reading about various campgrounds and national parks. Even going as far as looking into living life off grid and what we can truly live without. After doing all of this we were finally given the opportunity to see a tiny house up close and personal. Nicki Jo Davis was nice enough to give us a tour of her 8 x 22 tiny house on wheels, “Ravenlore.” It was built by Jim Wilkins of Tiny Green Cabins in Minnesota, and then traveled all the way to its current base camp here in Savannah.We were able to walk inside and really get a feel for the space and design. Richelle was able to climb up in the loft and see how some clothing and storage was done. The house was beautiful and instantly we were reassured that we were made for tiny living, not that we had any doubts.

We plan on going to our local Habitat for Humanity Restore this weekend to pick up our windows and doors. Once we have those things we will be able to get the rest of our dimensions to our good friend Josh Hodge, who is going to help draw up our framing plan. Although both Richelle and I are both pretty handy, we have never framed anything. I am very good at following plans and am confident that with the help of Josh, we will have a strong sturdy frame in no time. No time, of course meaning, once we have everything in place to start building the tiny house of our dreams.

In the meantime, we have started dwindling down our belongings every week and setting up at our local flea market. If you’re in the Savannah, Georgia area stop by Keller’s Flea Market any Saturday and buy our cool items. You’ll be helping us get one step closer to our tiny house. We have also decided to get a roommate (Richelle’s little sister), which is going to help us all out. We never used the guest room in our three bedroom house and are trying to get used to living with less. We have even gone as far as filling a five gallon bucket with water to see if we could shower with that or less. We succeed. In our 9 years together we truly have been through some of the best and worst of times together and pulled through stronger than before. I know we have what it takes to do this, the blood, sweat and tears to build our tiny house on wheels and have our own adventures.

Until next time,


3 thoughts on “Research and daydreaming:)

  1. We’ve also spent the last 2 months researching, comparing floor plans, discussing toilets and the like, though the thought originally hit me about 4 years ago. It sounds like you two are on a much faster track than we are, but there are also advantages to that. Jumping in without fear and working with that immediate momentum can be a good thing. Having too much time to analyze (2-3 years for us) can have its drawbacks. Looking forward to following your journey!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your comments and for following our blog. We have been MIA but all for good reasons. We finally have our trailer! We decided that it was do or die, so to speak. If we didn’t jump head first, I’m not sure we would be able to accomplish it. We hope you stay tuned for our progress as we begin our build. Xo


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